Saturday, July 16, 2011

First car

Well technically I bought my first car in Russia, but that was always going to be a short-term arrangement so I didn't get too attached. But I am already attached to this one, even though I've had it less than a week. I think I gave Melbourne public transport a pretty good run, but for me to get from where I live to anywhere else (even if only 5-10km away) I have to go via the city first. It just got too annoying after a while, especially on weekend train timetables. Hence, my first car - a 1994 Nissan Pulsar :)


Polina said...

Congrats! I remember my first car - it was a 1981 Mazda 300 (I think...) and we called it 'Fluffy David'... fluffy 'cos it had one of those fluffy sheep wrap thingies for the steering wheel, but can't remember why David. Anyhoo... are you gonna give your car a name, too? ;)

Vika said...

This is funny because the girl who had it before me had a fluffy sheepskin thing wrapped around the steering wheel as well! The first thing I did was take it off. I am probably not a car naming kind of girl :)