I would really like to know why all the rude, stupid, chauvinistic and outdated things that Tony Abbot has said in the last few years don't get brought up by the media. Have people completely forgotten it? Where is the political scrutiny ?!?!
Let me just do a quick recap of what I can remember off the top of my head:
Abusing a dying man: "I know Bernie is very sick, but just because a person is sick doesn't mean that he is necessarily pure of heart in all things
Denying climate change: "And, I am, as you know, hugely unconvinced by the so-called settled science on climate change. I just think that the science is highly contentious, to say the least, and I think that the economics of an ETS are a bit dodgy.
Insulting women's choices: [Virginity] "is the greatest gift that you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving and don’t give it to someone lightly"
Insulting women's choices again: [Australia's abortion rate] "almost ... a badge of liberation from old oppressions".. [abortion] "is a national tragedy and a legacy of unutterable shame”
Just being insulting: "That's bullshit" (to Nicola Roxton when she said that he could have been on time for their debate if he wanted to)
Bringing back the morality police: "Something akin to a Matrimonial Causes Act marriage ought to be an option for people" (i.e. let's bring back faul-based divorce)
Feeling "threatened" by gay people (I think he is quite safe - they have a lot more to fear to from him than he does from them)
And this is why I have donated money to these guys - take a 30 second look at the video they've put together, it's great!
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