Monday, May 17, 2010


I've been a bit lazy and disorganised regarding updating the blog lately. My spare time has been taken up with:

1. Playing with my iPhone. I got my new toy last month, and I am still enjoying the “new car smell” feeling. Due to my extreme IT inaptitude I can’t actually get any of the cooler features (such as synchronisation) to work, but I still like it. To show my extreme appreciation I have actually taken the radical (for me) step of discontinuing the use of my paper diary. I’ve maintained a diary continuously every year since first grade, so this is a big deal for me.

2. Watching Mad Men. For those struggling to find something good on TV, this is a very cleverly written and well produced series. It’s set in the early 1960s in a New York advertising agency. The men smoke and drink on the job and call the women “girls”. The women’s hair does not move, and their main goal in life seems to be finding a husband. This was the era before the Equal Rights Amendment, much less sexual harassment laws. And even though you know this world existed, something I just get so angry and want to tell the TV: “you can’t SAY that”!

3. Shopping for household goods. Perhaps owning an electric mixer and a colander is not only useful, but it makes me feel more complete as a person? :)

4. Trying out new recipes. Work has been manageable lately, and often I get home with sufficient time and energy to try my hand at something new. I haven’t amazed anyone yet, but results have been pretty consistently “ok-to-good”.

What I should have been doing:

1. Sorting through trip photos. Still haven’t touched those, despite being back for 3 months.

2. Reading the numerous book collection I’ve acquired on

3. Updating my blog


Anonymous said...

I still can't let go on my paper diary, I think it's psychological but I need to see every week laid out in front of me. Without the diary I don't know what I'm doing with myself :-)

Vika said...

It's been a big step... I know what you mean - it's not as nicely laid out. But my bag was just getting too heavy! something had to go.