Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life Lesson

Don't EVER purchase anything from Dell. Or rather, if you purchase anything from them, just hope that nothing ever goes wrong. Because calling them with an issue is like calling Optus:

1. You get routed around 5 different people on a single call, and have to re-tell your story to every one of them
2. They constantly put you on hold while they check one of their innumerable systems for details
3. They never call you back when they say they will
4. They speak with an accent you can hardly understand (in this case American-weirdly-ultra-polite-m'am-every-second-word)
5. It takes between 3-5 phone calls of 30min+ duration to get anything to happen
6. They are only available 9-5 weekdays - oh you mean you are at work then? So take a day off and wait for them to arrive, that's not an imposition on your time what's the big deal
7. Expensive AND bad service

Laptop still not working... now they reckon it's the motherboard.

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