Friday, December 11, 2009

A slight dip in mood

My love affair with Spain took a dip yesterday when my entire bag and its contents were stolen in Barcelona bus station. I am still amazed at the thieves´ aptitude and professionalism. I know exactly when it happened - someone came up and asked us something in Spanish (this is while we look like the quintessential tourists sitting there with out backpacks), and it was the only moment when Tim and I both looked away in the direction of the speaker. When I turned around, my bag was gone. I used to think that people who had their posessions stolen must have been careless in some way, but I now I know it is not so. It took a split second, and neither of us saw anything or anyone. It wasn´t busy, there were 2 other people apart from us in the waiting room, there was a video camera, security guards and the police station is 50 metres away. And none of it made any difference.

I lost my camera, my ipod, my wallet and lots of small personal posessions that I use every day. It´s only by some miracle chance that my passport wasn´t in the bag. So yesterday I had a fun day of filling out a police report and trying to cancel my cards from overseas. Plus dealing with a sense of disbelief and violation.

What REALLY hurts must of all is losing my photos - everything from St Petersburg to Barcelona... I trying hard not to think about it because it really upsets me when I do.

1 comment:

Zoya said...

That is really unfortunate :( Hope the rest of the trip will have adventures only of the positive kind.