Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Russian Pirozhki didn't work :(

I was inspired by Zoya to make them (see links below for recipe and photos). However they came out tasting and looking nothing like hers. I can even pinpoint where the process went wrong - my dough failed to rise. Zoya, any tips? I used the dried sachet yeast, was that wrong? Very disappointing result for a lot of work...


Zoya said...

Was it easy-blend/fast-action yeast? I think this is one of the recipes for each it wouldn't work and you need either fresh or normal dried yeast.

Also you have to be careful to keep milk at hand-warm temperature, if it is too hot it will kill the yeast.

Vika said...

the recipe didn't say anything about the milk! maybe that was the problem, it was normal dried yeast.