Thursday, November 27, 2008

Vicky Christina Barcelona

saw a good movie which I would like to recommend to everyone - written and directed by Woody Allen, but thankfully doesn't have him acting (I find him rather annoying). It's his third film starring Scarlett Johanssen, after Match Point and Scoop... methinks he must admire her acting skills :)
Despite all appearances to the contrary, it rises above the level of the average chick-flick, probably because it's actually rather funny. Apparently I "laughed like a hyena" during the movie. Anyways, some more info can be found here:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Russian Pirozhki didn't work :(

I was inspired by Zoya to make them (see links below for recipe and photos). However they came out tasting and looking nothing like hers. I can even pinpoint where the process went wrong - my dough failed to rise. Zoya, any tips? I used the dried sachet yeast, was that wrong? Very disappointing result for a lot of work...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The world

I can't help but put in my two cents worth in regards to the US election: Whoooohoooo! The empire of old white old men and self-righteous scanks has been vanquished. All hail the return of the Jedi!

Without knowing anything about voter turnout or demographics, I am going to put this down to generational change. My baseless assumption that we (meaning myself and my contemporaries) have the power gives me enormous comfort, and leads me to make the equally baseless conclusion that the world is becoming a better place. Yay!