Monday, November 29, 2010

Victorian Election

An interesting, if not entirely unexpected result in the Victorian Election. It's probably the fate of all Governments to run out of steam after 11 years. The collective weight of your past mistakes start to bear down and the continuity makes it difficult to claim that "the other guy did it". And it's undeniable that there have been quite a few issues. So - good luck to the Liberals.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

William and Katie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S....

So I open up the paper today and find no less than 5 articles about the upcoming British royal wedding, commenting on everything from Kate's dress style, to the couple's body language during the interview to predictions about their future health and happiness.

What's worse, I can see no end to this drivel for the forceeable future.

Can't they get married tomorrow and save humanity from months and months of interminable, insipid pap masquerading as journalism?

Friday, November 12, 2010


So yesterday I found Charlie munching on a bird under the study table. We knew something was up because the previous night we found a bird's nest and some tiny birdies in the backyard, and lots of feathers inside the house.

But I couldn't find where she had stashed the mama bird - not until she took it out for dinner..... eeeuuuuggghhhhh.... the blood... the feathers... Tim cleaning up while I hid out in the bathroom.... grossest pet experience ever.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A beautiful wedding

This weekend we spent in Tasmania, attending a wedding. It was on family property, with home-cooked food and no professional help, and it was absolutely lovely.