Friday, November 25, 2011

Lotsa ribs in Sydney

I was weak... couldn't finish them. I thought they would just be thin slivers of meat between the ribs but they were quite substantial!

Monday, November 21, 2011


If we think we have 4 seasons in one day in Melbourne, I think Warrnambool has 10. Otherwise it's a pretty neat place, with lots of arts galleries & cafes, where I certainty managed to eat my heart out. We weekend went something like this: eating - shopping - eating - napping - eating - shopping.

Friday, November 18, 2011


It's so fun to go away on weekends - hopefully we will go a few more times this summer :)

That's about as high as I got before I started shitting myself and wanting to get down.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oaks Day

Although it wasn't as warm as could be desired, it was still wonderful to be outside on a workday. It's the one work function that everyone looks forward to the entire year, partly because it marks the start of the silly season. From now on it's a round of training, lunches, Christmas functions, balls etc which make corporate life bearable for the rest of the year!

The colour block - all the girls in my team :)