Sunday, September 26, 2010

Perfect spring day

This is the first day you could get away with just a T-shirt - I LOVED it!

Signs of spring are everywhere now - check out our backyard:

In other news Tim made Charlie a scratching post:

She knows it's hers to sit on and scratch (as is everything else is in house), but how do you communicate to a cat that she should scratch it exclusively? I have no idea....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Obsessed with this song

Once in a while I hear a song that is so unbelievably awesome that I have to compulsively replay over and over and over and over... this is such a song:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Funny Charlie

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Don't have to leave the country after all

Well thank God Abbot is not our new Prime Minister, otherwise I think I would have to move. My Ukranian passport arrived a few days ago - could always try it as an alternative... could they have a more credible Government & Opposition? hmmmm

For lack of anything better to do I thought I'd put up some pics of the house. I am aware that I promised to do so ages ago, but never got around to it....





Sunday, September 5, 2010

Black Lighting

Saw this on friday at the Russian film festival:

The article is right, it's the Russian answer to Ironman and Batman and every other superhero movie... and there is nothing wrong with that, it's not meant to be taken seriously and as entertainment it was very enjoyable :)

But the funniest thing about it was that we saw this in the car park: